Spectrahedral Shadow (coming soon)

A spectrahedral shadow is defined as

$$\mathcal{SPS} := \bigg \{ c + \sum_{i=1}^{p} \beta_i g^{(i)} ~\bigg|~ A_{(0)} + \sum_{i=1}^p \beta_i A_{(i)} \succeq 0 \bigg\} . $$

Spectrahedral shadows can be seen as the semidefinite generalization of polytopes, and can represent a large variety of convex sets. In particular, every convex set representation (e.g., zonotopes, intervals, ellipsoids, polytopes, capsules, zonotope bundles, and constrained zonotopes) implemented in CORA can be represented as a spectrahedral shadow. More information in Section in the CORA manual.

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