Improved interface and documentation:
We put a lot of effort into simplifying and unifying interfaces for operations on sets and dynamic systems.
In addition, we provide a more detailed documentation of the functionality of CORA.
Polynomial zonotopes, ellipsoids and capsules:
We integrated two new set representations, namely ellipsoids and capsules.
In addition, we substituted quadratic zonotopes by more general sparse polynomial zonotopes.s
New reachability algorithms:
We added several new reachability algorithms for linear continuous systems.
These include the Krylov sub-space algorithm and the block-decomposition algorithm,
which both enable the verification of high-dimensional systems.
In addition, CORA now contains an adaptive algorithm that is fully automatic and does not require user-defined settings anymore.
New guard intersection methods:
For hybrid system reachability analysis, we implemented several new methods
for computing guard intersections including a time-scaling approach, and a method that is based on constrained zonotopes.
Furthermore, CORA now supports nonlinear guard sets for hybrid automata.
Linear discrete-time systems:
We integrated linear discrete-time systems.
There are many other interesting improvements:
Feasibility checks for user-defined settings, exporting CORA models in SpaceEx format,
the new reachSet class for storing reachable sets, additional methods for conversion
between different set representations, more unit tests, etc.