CORA no longer requires the MATLAB toolbox INTLAB for applying interval arithmetic.
This is mainly motivated by the fact that INTLAB is no longer freely available.
Please note that the CORA implementation of interval arithmetic does not consider errors caused by finite machine precision.
If consideration of machine precision is important, one should purchase INTLAB.
Introduction of unit tests to better ensure that functionality is maintained after larger software changes.
The unit tests can also be used as guiding examples to set up own verification problems.
It is no longer required to implement all systems as a hybrid automaton
in order to use the method reach for computing the reachable set.
The keyword is now also reserved for reachability analysis of purely continuous systems.
Auxiliary files, such as the Lagrange remainder, now contain the name of the model and
are no longer overwritten when changing the investigated model.
To shorten the code while not compromising functionality, we have integrated the class
intervalhull into the new class interval and the classes vehicleSys and vehicleSys_td
into the existing class nonlinearSys.
Faster plotting of reachable sets thanks to a new routine.
The 2015 version only contained the bouncing ball example.
The new version has for each implemented category of dynamical systems at least one example.
Many unused or prototypical files have been removed and the code has been decluttered for various functions.