Taylor Model
In CORA, Taylor models are instantiated by
% tay = taylm(I,max_order,name);
where I is the interval domain, max_order is the maximum polynomial order and name is the name of the variable.
% initialize Taylor model
tx = taylm(interval(-2,2),4,'x');
For more information, type
help taylm
taylm (Taylor model) class.
obj = taylm(int)
obj = taylm(int,max_order,names,opt_method,eps,tolerance)
obj = taylm(func,int)
obj = taylm(func,int,max_order,opt_method,eps,tolerance)
int - interval object that defines the ranges of the variables
max_order - the maximal order of a polynomial stored in a polynomial part
names - cell-array containing the names of the symbolic variables as
characters (same size as interval matrix 'int')
func - symbolic function
opt_method - method used to calculate interval over-approximations of
taylor models
'int': standard interval arithmetic (default)
'bnb': branch and bound method is used to find min/max
'bnbAdv': branch and bound with re-expansion of taylor models
'linQuad': optimization with Linear Dominated Bounder (LDB)
and Quadratic Fast Bounder (QFB)
eps - precision for the selected optimization method (opt_method = 'bnb',
opt_method = 'bnbAdv' and opt_method = 'linQuad')
tolerance - monomials with coefficients smaller than this value are
moved to the remainder
obj - generated object
% create and manipulate simple taylor models
tx = taylm(interval(1,2),4,'x');
ty = taylm(interval(3,4),4,'y');
t = sin(tx+ty) + exp(-tx) + ty*tx;
% create a vector of taylor models
tvec = taylm(interval([1;3],[2;4]),4,{'x';'y'});
t = sin(tvec(1)+tvec(2)) + exp(-tvec(1)) + tvec(1)*tvec(2);
% create a taylor model from a symbolic function
syms x y
func = sin(x+y) + exp(-x) + x*y;
t = taylm(func,interval([1;3],[2;4]),4);
Other m-files required: none
Subfunctions: none
MAT-files required: none
See also: interval
[1] K. Makino et al. "Taylor Models and other validated functional
inclusion methods"
[2] M. Althoff et al. "Implementation of Taylor models in CORA 2018
(Tool Presentation)"
Documentation for taylm
Other uses of taylm
Folders named taylm