probZonotope - class for probabilistic zonotopes
obj = probZonotope(Z,G)
obj = probZonotope(Z,G,gamma)
Z - zonotope matrix Z = [c,g1,...,gp]
G - matrix storing the probabilistic generators G = [g1_, ..., gp_]
gamma - cut-off value for plotting. The set is cut-off at 2*sigma,
where sigma is the variance
obj - Generated object
Z = [10 1 -2; 0 1 1];
G = [0.6 1.2; 0.6 -1.2];
probZ1 = probZonotope(Z,G);
gamma = 1.5;
probZ2 = probZonotope(Z,G,gamma);
Other m-files required: none
Subfunctions: none
MAT-files required: none
See also: interval, polytope
Documentation for probZonotope
Other uses of probZonotope
Folders named probZonotope