In CORA, polytopes are instantiated by
where A is the inequality constraint matrix, b is the inequality offset vector, and in vertex representation by
where V is a point cloud.
For more information, type
help polytope
polytope - object constructor for polytope objects
This class represents polytope objects defined as (halfspace
{ x | A*x <= b }.
For convenience, equality constraints
{ x | A*x <= b, Ae*x == be }
can be added, too.
Alternatively, polytopes can be defined as (vertex representation)
{ sum_i a_i v_i | sum_i a_i = 1, a_i >= 0 }
Note: A polytope without any constraints represents R^n.
Note: A polytope instantiated without input arguments is the empty set.
P = polytope(V)
P = polytope(A,b)
P = polytope(A,b,Ae,be)
V - (n x p) array of vertices
A - (n x m) matrix for the inequality representation
b - (n x 1) vector for the inequality representation
Ae - (k x l) matrix for the equality representation
be - (k x 1) vector for the equality representation
obj - generated polytope object
A = [1 0 -1 0 1; 0 1 0 -1 1]';
b = [3; 2; 3; 2; 1];
P = polytope(A,b);
Other m-files required: none
Subfunctions: none
MAT-files required: none
Documentation for polytope
Other uses of polytope
Folders named polytope