Level Set
In CORA, level sets are instantiated by
% ls = levelSet(eq,vars,op);
where eq is a symbolic MATLAB function, vars are the symbolic variables, and op is the comparison operator.
eq = 1/vars(1)^2 - vars(2);
ls = levelSet(eq,vars,'<=');
For more information, type
help levelSet
levelSet - class definition for non-linear level sets
obj = levelSet(eq,vars,compOp)
obj = levelSet(eq,vars,compOp,solved)
eq - symbolic equation defining the set (eq == 0 or eq <= 0 or eq < 0)
vars - symbolic variables
compOp - operator ('==' or '<=' or '<')
solved - equation solved for one variable
obj - generated levelSet object
% single equation
syms x y
eqs = x^2 + y^2 - 4;
ls = levelSet(eqs,[x;y],'==');
figure; hold on; xlim([-3,3]); ylim([-3,3]);
% multiple equations
syms x y
eq1 = x^2 + y^2 - 4;
eq2 = x + y;
ls = levelSet([eq1;eq2],[x;y],{'<=';'<='});
figure; hold on; xlim([-3,3]); ylim([-3,3]);
Other m-files required: none
Subfunctions: none
MAT-files required: none
See also: polytope
Documentation for levelSet
Other uses of levelSet
Folders named levelSet